
Please don't hold me down.

I am the wilderness locked in a cage
I am a growing force you kept in place
I am a tree reaching for the sun
Please don't hold me down
Please don't hold me down
I am a growing force you kept in place
I am a tree reaching for the sun
Please don't hold me down
Please don't hold me down
I am a rolling wave without the motion
A glass of water longing for the ocean
I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me
Release me
Release me
A glass of water longing for the ocean
I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me
Release me
Release me
I am the rain that's coming down on you
That you shielded yourself from with a roof
I am the fire burning desperately but you're controlling me
Release me
Release me
That you shielded yourself from with a roof
I am the fire burning desperately but you're controlling me
Release me
Release me

Grattis Vera 1 år!


Skynda fynda på min Sellpy-store!
Doriz min Doriz! ♥️

Livrädd för att leva, dödsrädd för att dö.

IG - Dorizthefrenchie.

Släck sorgen med tårar när det brinner.

Dream, baby, dream
Om ett bättre liv
Stäng dina ögon tills du hittar dit
Sjung baby sjung nu
Om ett bättre liv
Stäng dina ögon tills du hittar dit
Sjung baby sjung nu
Jag vet hur det känns
När broar har bränts
Och allt du vill glömma kommer igen
Sjung, baby, sjung nu